TruthGirlz is a Mentoring program from the Pregnancy Resource Center.  The program nurtures spiritual and social development through a 26 week curriculum designed with the interests and concerns of middle school girls in mind. We believe girls who are equipped to Grow WELL and to choose to Love WELL, will become women empowered to Live WELL.

TruthGirlz meets once each week for 90 mins.   Each session begins with snack then a Devotion time to explain the Verse of the day. The Lesson follows with instruction, videos and small group topical discussion then an Activity which illustrates or applies verse of the day.

Each year, TruthGirlz discusses principles compiled into 4 Units by theme.  Units are explored in 4 weekly lessons and address topics like self esteem, body image, peer pressure, media messages, boundaries, communication skills, decision making, character development,  healthy living and planning for the future. All topics are connected to scriptural truths and principles presented weekly during Devotion. Our Show & Tell Day gives girls an opportunity to share with each other about Unit principles that mattered most to them.

Every Unit is concluded with a Panel Session.   During this time, the TruthGirlz Mentors sit down to answer questions submitted anonymously by the girls over the last few weeks.  The condition of anonymity opens the door for them to ask Mentors what they really want to know about personal, social, physical and spiritual issues without fear. Panel is one of TruthGirlz most powerful tools for effectively addressing the deeply personal needs and concerns of this generation.  The diversity of experiences we share in informed, transparent responses helps the girls find their own footing in the issues they’re asking about.

Our girls are encouraged to journal their thoughts and experiences. Keeping up with journal assignments and scripture memorization are not mandatory but  are rewarded with incentive points. A Boutique is held each semester to give the girls a chance to spend the points they have earned. Points are earned through attendance, scripture memorization, participation, Show & Tell presentations, report cards and more!

The 26 week duration of the TruthGirlz program is intended to offer support to each girl throughout the school year. The length of the program also allows time for our Leaders and Mentors to earn the trust and respect of the girls and for the participants to develop valuable friendships with each other. These purposeful relationships will replace negative influences like peer pressure  and serve as key factors in and addressing preventing at risk behaviors and maintaining accountability for healthy choices.

TruthGirlz provides the benefits of Preventive Education on a personal basis, ministering to each girl’s unique needs at this critical time in her life.     By sharing biblical truths in engaging ways, we encourage our TruthGirlz to grow into confident, capable, critically thinking young women with a positive influence on their world. If all girls were equipped to transition to womanhood with dignity, to love themselves and others in healthy ways and empowered as women to pursue the best of life- the world itself will be changed.