A Brief History & Glimpse of the Future
TruthGirlz began as a response to a cry for help. In 2012 a group of community minded men approached the superintendent of Iredell Statesville schools to discuss concern for a particular school that had seen more than its fair share of crisis the previous year. The Pregnancy Resource Center was invited to this meeting where it was agreed there was a need for new programming to fill the mentorship void for female students. We firmly believed this was a God sized opportunity and accepted the task in faith. We had no real idea what to do and no budget to do it with but we knew the Lord was in it.
Within a month of that meeting, the program design and curriculum outline for the first year of TruthGirlz had been written and presented to and approved by school board. With the Lord before us, we’ve never looked back. That First fall semester we had 7 girls, then 25 in the Spring. We now operate in 3 middle schools and a high school, ministering to nearly 125 girls each week. The two volunteers we started with have become 16 TruthGirlz leaders serving faithfully with us every week.
We are a small center however, it’s not our size but the Bigness of our God that determine the size of our vision. Limited staff and resources seem to say that TruthGirlz has reached its growth capacity but we believe otherwise.The message and mission of TruthGirlz is timely and relevant. The need for young women of worth, wisdom and influence is great, even urgent. This program has received interest from all around the state and several inquiries from outside of north carolina. A South African Agency desperately wants us to get the curriculum packaged. Our TruthGirlz who have gone on to high school and their parents often ask about when we’ll develop a high school curriculum. Over the years we’ve received countless requests to create something similar for boys. We don’t know they next step for TruthGirlz but we are certain there is one. And wherever He leads we will go.